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How to lose a girl in 10 days

- December 11, 2022

1. Chew your food loudly
2. Do not take showers often
3. Cut off their sentence and start talking about yourself
4. Act as if you are their guardian angel and they are this precious little flower that needs protection
5. LIE
6. Be oppressive
7. Never give space + get angry when they want space
8. Be jealous of EVERYTHING
9. Yell when angry + get angry at stupid things
10. Hate when they are hanging out with their friends without you

Bonus: applicable for guys => be a strongman + a slave for toxic masculinity

1. Chew your food loudly
2. Do not take showers often
3. Cut off their sentence and start talking about yourself
4. Act as if you are their guardian angel and they are this precious little flower that needs protection
5. LIE
6. Be oppressive
7. Never give space + get angry when they want space
8. Be jealous of EVERYTHING
9. Yell when angry + get angry at stupid things
10. Hate when they are hanging out with their friends without you

Bonus: applicable for guys => be a strongman + a slave for toxic masculinity